Golf Day Sponsorship

We are inviting local companies to show their support by sponsoring our Golf Day 2025. Please fill out the form below to register your interest.

Your sponsorship will ensure the money we raise at our Golf Day will go directly to funding hospice care for the people of Oxfordshire.

£727 could pay for one day of care for a patient on our specialist inpatient unit, where they will be cared for with compassion and kindness.

By providing sponsorship, your company will benefit from:

  • Raising your profile through affiliation with a respected and well-known local charity.
  • Growing your business contacts by promoting your company in front of influential guests and business representatives.
  • Engaging your staff by taking part in a fun team day.
  • Increasing your brand awareness though marketing pre and post event.

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Sponsorship packages*
Please tick the areas of sponsorship you are interested in discussing with Nikki, our Relationships Fundraising Manager.