Living Well service

Our Living Well service supports patients living with a life-limiting illness to improve their wellbeing and manage their symptoms, so they can continue to enjoy daily life to its fullest.

We understand that people have different needs, and living well means different things to different people; we therefore offer a range of support and activities, so that everyone can find something right for them. Our specialist team will be by your side all the way, delivering care and support within a compassionate and inclusive environment.

What to expect

When you first access Living Well, we will work alongside you to identify which aspects of our service you feel will be most beneficial, and create a personalised eight-week programme. You may wish to:

  • Meet other people in a similar situation.
  • Access support from our specialist team.
  • Learn tools to maintain your independence.
  • Build confidence towards achieving a particular goal.
  • Take part in activities to help your mental health.
  • Better your knowledge and understanding of your illness and how to best manage your symptoms.


Want to refer yourself or a loved one?

Call: 01865 225875

Living Well activities

The Living Well day room

Living Well activities

Living Well activities

For more information, please visit the Oxford University Hospitals palliative care hub.