Wellbeing and therapy services

At Sobell House, we have a range of services on offer to look after people’s physical and mental wellbeing.

Physical therapy

​Our therapy team consists of occupational therapists, physiotherapists and therapy assistants who work to help you live life to the fullest.

We work to assess your mental and physical wellbeing, help to provide strategies to improve your physical activity, independence in day to day tasks and activities that mean the most to you at all stages of your illness.

After we receive a referral for you, we will assess you holistically and work closely with other teams to help you reach your goals.

We can work with you face to face in your home, via video consultation, or at Sobell House in the Living Well day service or on the inpatient unit.

What we do
  • Help to maintain independence through education and advice
  • Personalised exercise and rehabilitation programmes
  • Lifestyle management advice including leisure activities, new hobbies or interests
  • Help to manage symptoms such as breathlessness, anxiety and fatigue
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Assessment for specialist equipment
  • Moving and handling advice and environmental assessment
  • Future planning when deterioration is anticipated
  • Assisting with psychological adjustment related to loss of function
  • Supporting and educating carers/family on loss of function or cognitive ability
  • Supporting discharge planning from the inpatient unit
  • Being a resource for therapists working in other healthcare settings with people who have complex life-limiting illness

Music and art therapy

Our music and art therapists work with patients to help them uncover and express important feelings that may feel ‘beyond words’.

Creating art and talking with the art therapist can help patients consider any aspect of their life, both past and present. Sometimes simply creating art and using the materials on offer can be helpful and relaxing. You do not need to be artistic to find art therapy beneficial.

Music plays an important part in our everyday lives and is a powerful link to memories and emotions that might be difficult to put into words. As an evidence-based practice, music therapy can provide a highly effective approach towards the treatment of anxiety and depression. To benefit from music therapy patients do not have to be musical. By working with our therapist, you can explore a number of approaches to suit you, such as songwriting which might help to share important information or create lifelong legacies.

Music therapy

Art therapy

Members of our physical therapy team

For more information, please visit the Oxford University Hospitals palliative care hub.