When Ruth Corderoy first spoke to us about taking on a walking challenge for Sobell House in February, the world felt a very different place. Ruth, a retired teacher and experienced hill walker, originally proposed tackling the Cambrian Way in June of this year, a...
Dying Matters Week 2020: ‘Dying to be Heard’ As part of Dying Matters week, our chaplaincy team have put together some helpful advice and information when thinking ahead and planning your funeral, to help ensure your wishes are heard and fulfilled. Information to...
Dying Matters Week 2020: ‘Dying to be Heard’ The continuing need to be listened to and to be heard following bereavement… No matter how long it’s been since you were bereaved, there is no ‘end’ to the grieving process. It’s to be expected that we continue...
Dying Matters Week 2020: ‘Dying to be Heard’ With the theme of this year’s awareness week in mind, we have created an easy and helpful form for you to fill out, which we hope will help you to plan ahead and outline your wishes before and after you die. It can be...
Keep in touch We have been told to “social distance” or “self-isolate” ourselves from others, which can mean not seeing our friends or family for some time. But this doesn’t mean we can’t talk to them. Don’t wait for them to call, you can keep in touch with them by...
On Saturday 28th September 2019, Steventon Choral Society held a concert in Steventon Village Hall as part of the Voices for Hospices movement raising vital funds for Sobell House. The first half of the concert featured a selection of well-known classics, including...
This diary was written in March 2020 08:00 Arrive at Sobell House, check my emails and prepare the music room for the day’s sessions. Catch-up with colleagues in the different departments across the hospice. 09:15 Attend morning handover on the Inpatient Unit. This is...
This diary was written in January 2020 7.45am I arrive at Sobell House a little early today to prepare for a Senior Management Team meeting. 8am With a cup of tea in hand, I head to the meeting. I feel privileged to be part of the Senior Management Team because I know...
This diary was written in October 2019 7.30 Arrive at work, check the answerphone for possible cancellations, and check the day’s itinerary. As a driver, my main role is to pick up patients from their homes in the morning, take them to Sobell House, and then drive...
The Carriers Arms in Watlington, has been supporting Sobell House since 2015 with various fundraising initiatives, including meat raffles, collecting tins on the bar, sponsored challenges and fab events. We’re thrilled to announce that their latest efforts have tipped...
A few weeks ago, Simon Mace decided to brave the shave and go bald for Sobell House. Initially setting a target of raising £250 on his Facebook fundraising page, Simon was absolutely overwhelmed when he surpassed that target in the first day! Coming in to the hospice...
This diary was written in August 2019 08:30 I arrive at Sobell House. First stop is our Sobell advice line and triage office to check for any calls that may have come in. I then grab a cup of tea and head to the office to prepare for the day’s visits and appointments....
On May 31st 23 teams gathered at Studley Wood Golf Club to take part in our annual Golf Day. We have built up a great following over the years and so many people look forward to the day. It is always a great opportunity for local businesses and other supporters to...
Mark Temple from Barns Road, Cowley woke up on his 49th birthday and decided to try to run not one, not two, but fifty marathons in a single year in support of Sobell House. That’s a total of 1,310 miles, or the equivalent of travelling from London to Edinburgh four...