Safeguarding Code of Conduct

Please continue your application by reading and signing our Safeguarding Code of Conduct

Safeguarding Code of Conduct for staff, workers and volunteers

In its simplest form, ‘safeguarding’ can be defined as ‘keeping children, young people and adults at risk, safe from harm’.

At Sobell House Hospice Charity we believe that all staff, workers and volunteers share responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk. The Safeguarding Code of Conduct below sets out what is required. Please speak to your manager if you are unclear or require further clarification, in relation to your role.

As a member of staff, this Safeguarding Code of Conduct forms part of your contract of employment. As a volunteer, agency or other worker it forms part of the agreement for your role. Everyone working at Sobell House Hospice Charity, whether in a paid or unpaid role, is expected to adhere to this Code and you will be asked to sign and return it as acceptance of your commitment to it. You may also be required to undertake training in safeguarding and discuss this code with your line manager.


The Safeguarding Code of Conduct:

  • makes clear what is required of all staff, workers and volunteers
  • supports staff, workers and volunteers in meeting their obligations
  • enables staff, workers and volunteers to raise concerns without fear of recrimination
  • reduces the risk of misplaced or malicious allegations by clarifying responsibilities.


Staff, workers and volunteers must abide by the following CODE OF CONDUCT:

  • Report any incidents or concerns that cause you to believe that a child, young person or adult at risk is, or is likely to be, at risk of harm. Sobell House Hospice Charity will support any staff member, worker or volunteer who raises a legitimate concern about the actions of others
  • Refer to Sobell House Hospice Charity’s Whistleblowing procedure if you feel an incident or concern cannot be reported to your manager or your manager’s manager
  • Disclose any criminal record, caution, reprimand or warning (subject to filtering rules[1]) whether received prior to or during the course of your work or volunteering for Sobell House Hospice Charity[2]
  • Inform your manager of any ongoing or past child protection investigation(s) that have involved you


[1] Certain spent convictions and cautions are “protected” (also known as filtered) and are not subject to disclosure to employers. Applicable in England and Wales and Northern Ireland. For further details, please refer to
disclosure-and-barring-service (England & Wales) or (Northern Ireland).

[2] For non-regulated activities this obligation is limited to unspent criminal convictions only.


It is not permissible (and in some instances may be unlawful) for you to:

  • use your position to intimidate, bully, threaten, discriminate against, coerce or undermine children and young people, adults at risk, volunteers or staff
  • behave or communicate with children, young people or adults at risk in ways which seek to build inappropriate relationships in order to abuse or put them at risk
  • use a relationship with a service user or their family for personal gain
  • give special rewards or privileges in an attempt to build inappropriate relationships with children and young people or adults at risk
  • engage in, or attempt to engage in, sexual or inappropriate relationships with children, young people or adults at risk for whatever reason, including the use of suggestive conversations, comments, texting or emails
  • possess indecent images of children; this will always be reported to the police regardless of the explanation provided
  • carry out your duties or volunteering whilst adversely affected by alcohol, solvents or drugs
  • encourage or assist others to break the law in any way

You will conduct yourself in accordance with this Safeguarding Code of Conduct in all your work/volunteering for Sobell House Hospice Charity.

Any breach of the Safeguarding Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action including dismissal, or the termination of your working agreement or involvement as a volunteer with Sobell House Hospice Charity, as appropriate.

In certain circumstances, if following investigation breaches of the Code are found, such action will also result in reports to Regulatory bodies, relevant Local Authorities and/or the police, as appropriate.

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