Our chapel roof is leaking and urgently needs replacing, however the likely cost to replace it is at least £25,000.

The chapel was built in 2003 and plays an important role in the pastoral care of many of our patients and families. It provides a serene, comforting space for people of all faiths, or for those without a faith wanting to seek solace and a quiet space to reflect. It is used by patients, their loved ones and staff where they go to pray, light a candle, write a message or simply take some time out to think or come to terms with the news of a life-limiting condition. Staff use the space to be able to cope with the ongoing pressure that working in palliative care brings, families often visit on the anniversary of their loved one’s death and our chaplains often meet with patients and visitors in the peace and quiet of the chapel.

It’s also been the perfect backdrop for weddings and blessings held at the hospice, where people have had the chance to marry the love of their life in their final precious days or weeks of life.

Thanks to our supporters, we have already received nearly £5,000 in donations, but we need all the help we can get to raise £25,000. If you can help, please call us on 01865 857007 or click the button below to donate and state that the reason for your donation is to help fix the chapel roof. Thank you so much.