It’s been a tough 12 months for all of us, and unfortunately here at Team Sobell we have seen a significant drop in our income from our community, retail and events fundraising. That’s why
we’re appealing for support from our community to help to safeguard our care for the future, by launching our Crisis Care Appeal.
To date our Appeal has raised over £35,000, but we still have a way to go. Will you donate to our Crisis Care Appeal today, and help us to safeguard our care for the future? Every donation counts, but here’s a few examples of how your donation could help:
- £33 could train a telephone companion volunteer to provide companionship and support to a patient.
- £65 could pay for bereavement counselling for someone struggling with grief and loss.
- £100 could fund five hours of compassionate, expert nursing care.
Your donations allow us to provide the support and care that means so much to the people who receive it. Take Paul for example. Paul is currently being cared for by our team, and here he explains in his own words just what it’s meant to him to have the support of Sobell House at a time when he’d lost hope.
“Before I came to Sobell House for help I was in a really bad place. I’d found out I had inoperable, terminal prostate cancer. I’m 54 and a carer for my wife and my father-in-law. I lost hope very quickly; I was even thinking of ending my life because I couldn’t bear it. I started attending Sobell House’s Day Centre; my time there was the highlight of my week. I learned that it’s OK to be ill, to feel upset, or worried. And then the pandemic came. But the hospice didn’t give up on me, they’ve stayed with me, even though we have to meet up on my iPad now. I know that it’s just important that we connect with each other – it doesn’t matter how. They give me advice, help and even love – all over a screen”.
You can read more about Paul’s story here.
Our Crisis Care Appeal is raising much-needed funds so that we can continue to provide counselling and emotional support via phone or video call to local families who have lost someone precious to them – sometimes, sadly, without the chance to say goodbye properly. It also supports us in continuing to deliver vital support services for people living with a life-limiting illness.